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President Ersin Tatar attends Topçuköy Martyrs’ Commemoration Ceremony

“If we live independently and freely on these lands today, we owe this honourable life to our martyrs and veterans.”


Commemorating Peace and Freedom Day: President Ersin Tatar addresses main parade in Lefkoşa: “No formal negotiations until our sovereign equality and equal international status is reaffirmed”

“The period of conducting negotiations for the sake of negotiations, whilst attempting to crush Turkish Cypriots under isolation that is tantamount to persecution, has come to pass”


President Ersin Tatar calls to international community at the inauguration ceremony of the new terminal building and runway of Ercan Airport

“End the unjust isolation that is in violation of our human rights and allow international direct flights to Ercan Airport”


President Ersin Tatar participates in the ceremony held at the Boğaz Martyrdom in commemoration of 20th July Peace and Freedom Day

“The Turkish Cypriot People will never forget the sacrifices made by our martyrs”


President Ersin Tatar attends the "3rd Peace and Freedom Cup" tournament and "Conversation with International Athletes" event

“We are putting forward ardous efforts aimed at breaking the unjust sports isolation on Turkish Cypriot sportsmen to enable them to compete against international athletes”
