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Statement of President Ersin Tatar regarding the meeting with the Republic of The Gambia Vice President Badara Alieu Joof and his invitation for President Tatar to visit The Gambia

“The period of leaving the future of the Turkish Cypriot people and Cyprus only to the consent of the Greek Cypriot side is now over”


President Ersin Tatar receives Vice President of the Republic of The Gambia Badara Alieu Joof, who invites President Tatar to The Gambia

“Cooperation between the two countries should be developed in the fields of international relations, tourism and culture as well as education.”


President Ersin Tatar meets with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye Yasin Ekrem Serim

“TRNC plays key role in maintaining balances in the region”


President Ersin Tatar receives Ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye to Lefkoşa Prof. Dr. Metin Feyzioğlu

President Ersin Tatar received Ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye to Lefkoşa Prof. Dr. Metin Feyzioğlu with a military ceremony upon his arrival at the Presidency.


President Ersin Tatar inaugurates the 2022-2023 Academic Year Opening Ceremony of Malatya İnönü University

“Sustaining a Turkic State in the eastern Mediterranean is important for the future of the Turkish nation.”


President Ersin Tatar inaugurates park named after him in Diyarbakır

“The existence of two separate and sovereign States in Cyprus must be acknowledged.”


President Ersin Tatar holds conference on "Blue Homeland and Cyprus within the Framework of Developments in the eastern Mediterranean" at Dicle University in Diyarbakır

“Acceptance of an independent TRNC, a Turkish State in the eastern Mediterranean, will have significant benefits for the Turkic world.”


President Ersin Tatar receives Ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye to Lefkoşa, Ali Murat Başçeri, who has completed his term in office in the TRNC

President Ersin Tatar pays tribute to outgoing Turkish Ambassador Ali Murat Başçeri for his “invaluable support” to the TRNC
