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President Ersin Tatar evaluates “Operation Claw-Sword”

“The TRNC stands in full solidarity with Motherland Türkiye in the fight against terrorism and threats to the national security of the country.”


President Ersin Tatar inaugurates Cumhuriyet Exhibition held at NEU in honour of the 39th anniversary of the proclamation of the TRNC

“We are working to strengthen our state, for the independence and freedom of our people”


President Ersin Tatar meeting with UN Assistant Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia and Americas in the United Nations Department of Political Affairs, Miroslav Jenča

“Formal negotiations can be started following the reaffirmation of the sovereign equality and equal international status of Turkish Cypriot People. There is currently no common ground between the sides”


President Ersin Tatar receives the London Mixed Football Team

“Turkish Cypriots living in the UK are continuing their lives whilst trying to preserve their own idendity and culture, which is commendable.”


President Ersin Tatar makes the opening speech  to commence the  Republic celebrations on the 15th November

President Ersin Tatar's opening speech at Bayrak Radio and Television to commence the celebrations on the 39th anniversary of the proclamation of the TRNC is as follows;  
