M. Ergün Olgun, Special Representative of President Ersin Tatar, met with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation, Osadchiy 

M. Ergün Olgun, Special Representative of President Ersin Tatar, met with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation, Stanislav Osadchiy, yesterday. 

The meeting was requested by Ambassador Osadchiy in order to ascertain the position of the Turkish Cypriot side prior to the five-plus-UN informal meeting in accordance with the call of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres,  where Mr Olgun indicated that negotiations being conducted on a basis which has been collapsed for more than half-a-century is perpetuating the status-quo, rather than accommodating a solution in Cyprus, which is being used as an excuse to leave the Turkish Cypriots without any status to live in isolation.

Mr Olgun explained to the Russian Ambassador the vision being put forward by the Turkish Cypriot side which he said is the “most rationale path” to tackling the issue based on the present point reached, that is based on the inherent sovereign equality of the sides, for a sustainable solution that is based on cooperation. 

Mr Olgun underlined the need to ensure and protect the balance of sovereign equality of two States and their equal international status, which he said will bring cooperation, stability and security to the volatile region and the island of Cyprus. 

Mr Olgun conveyed to the Russian Federation Ambassador, that the Turkish Cypriot side will participate in the informal five-plus-UN informal meeting in a “sincere and constructive” manner, with “an open mind and a vision for a settlement and cooperation”.