President Ersin Tatar addresses the Organisation of Turkic States Summit in Shusha, Azerbaijan

“Connection of the Turkic world with the Mediterranean has been established with the membership of the TRNC at the Organisation of Turkic States”


President Ersin Tatar has addressed the Informal Summit of the Heads of State of the Organisation of Turkic States (OTS), that is being held in Shusha, Azerbaijan.
Hosted by İlham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Summit includes heads of state from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Türkiye and Uzbekistan, as well as OTS Observers and the Secretary General of the Organisation.
Being held under the theme “Building a Sustainable Future through Transport, Connectivity and Climate Action”, the Summit started with the speech of President Aliyev – who had earlier welcomed all heads of state to the two-day summit.
President Tatar is accompanied by Minister of Foreign Affairs Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu, Presidential Undersecretary Okan Donangil, Special Representative Güneş Onar, Special Advisor Gökhan Güler and TRNC Baku Representative, Ambassador Ufuk Turganer.
In his speech at the summit, President Tatar thanked President Aliyev for hosting the OTS Summit and for inviting the TRNC, which he said is an integral part of the Turkish world. President Tatar stated that he was “pleased to be participating in and addressing the important summit of the OTS, that is being held in Shusha, the spiritual capital of the Turkic World, in these beautiful liberated lands. . . which is being held under the theme: Building a Sustainable Future through Transport, Connectivity and Climate Action”.
President Tatar expressed his gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev for his “significant support to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and for inviting me and my delegation to the Summit”.
President Tatar pointed out that Shusha, which is a “symbol of the traditions of the People of Azerbaijan with its rich and glorious history”, was also an “ancient city where many prominent artists, musicians, architects, painters and writers, who made great contributions to the world cultural treasure, were raised”.
President Tatar continued: “Shusha, which was under Armenian occupation for many years, was liberated by the heroic army of Azerbaijan, led by the victorious Commander-in-Chief, İlham Aliyev, on November 8, 2020, following the 44-day war that started on September 27, 2020. Our brothers of Azerbaijan brought an end to the 30-year long occupation of Karabakh following the War of Liberation of the Homeland. We feel great pride and joy in this historic achievement. Karabakh in general, and Shusha in particular, have become the symbol of unity and solidarity in the Turkic World in the context of the 44-day Liberation War and the subsequent developments. Our greatest strength is the unity and solidarity of the Turkic world. We are indeed in a very important and symbolic city which is a place that has shown just what can be achieved when there is unity and solidarity between our Peoples and States.”
“In this respect, the representation of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in the summit is important and a historical moment," President Tatar said.
Stating that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is an “integral part of the Turkic world and the guardian of the Turkish presence in the eastern Mediterranean”, President Tatar stated that his wish is for the TRNC to “participate in all areas where the Organisation of Turkic States operates and to develop relations with all its institutions and organisations”.
In reference to “transportation and connectivity” – which is part of the theme of the OTS summit, President Tatar pointed out that he believes “Ercan Airport, Port of Gemikonağı and the internationally recognised Port of Gazimağusa of the TRNC provide various opportunities for the Organisation of Turkic States”.
“Our ultimate goal in this field is to make TRNC a regional hub in civil aviation and a reliable transit country in maritime transportation,” President Tatar said.
President Tatar stated that an “application has been made to the Secretariat of the Organisation of Turkic States by our relevant Ministry for the inclusion of the Port of Gazimağusa in the Sister Ports Programme of the Organisation of Turkic States”. He said the expectation of the Turkish Cypriot people is that the “request of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to be included in the Sister Ports Memorandum of Understanding will be reciprocated positively”.
"The inclusion of the Port of Gazimağusa in the Sister Ports program of the OTS will not only be very supportive to the Turkish Cypriot People, it will also give an important message against the unjust and unlawful isolation and oppression imposed on the Turkish Cypriot People,” President Tatar said.
President Tatar stated that “natural disasters occurring around the world as a result of climate change and global warming” are continuing to increase, and that as the TRNC, an “emergency management plan has been prepared by relevant institutions against a possible natural disaster or emergency that may occur in the country”.
"The devastating earthquakes that occurred in Motherland Türkiye on February 6, 2023, has once again shown the importance and the need for instantaneous action and effective cooperation during times of disaster and emergency,” President Tatar said, adding: “The Civil Protection Mechanism of the OTS, the establishment of which was planned after the earthquake, will be able to carry out activities to provide emergency support in the face of disasters that may occur in the Turkic World, such as delivering humanitarian and medical aid, and meeting the need for shelter. We can only overcome the devastating consequences that could occur from natural disasters, which cannot be prevented, with our cooperation and solidarity as the Turkic World. This is why we need to cooperate more closely to protect our people, civilisations and economies.”
President Tatar said: “The TRNC, with all its relevant institutions and organisations, is always ready to stand by our brotherly states whenever needed, with all its means, capabilities and experiences”.
“With the membership of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to the Organisation of Turkic States, the connection between the Turkic world and the Mediterranean has been established,” he added.
Pointing to the OTS “Turkic World Vision 2040” document, which was approved by the Heads of State at the 8th Summit of the OTS on November 12, 2021, President Tatar said: “Special importance is given in this document to the development of economic relations between our family council and within this framework, emphasis is made that cooperation in the fields of transportation and logistics should be strengthened in our organisation.”
"I salute our determination to strengthen cooperation in the Vision Document,” President Tatar said. “Particularly with regards to the Middle Corridor, also known as the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, and the Zangezur Corridor. I would like to express that we are ready to make every contribution we can.”
President Tatar also put forward his new two State position as a basis for a settlement in the Island of Cyprus – which he said is supported by Motherland and Guarantor Türkiye.
President Tatar said: “As you know, the UN Secretary-General, Mr. Guterres, last January appointed his Personal Envoy, which we also approved, for a period not exceeding six months. The Personal Envoy, whose sole mandate was to explore whether there was common ground or not between the Sides to start new and formal negotiations, has now completed her exercise. I had my last meeting with Ms. Holguin in London on July 1, and she will submit her report to the UN Secretary-General on July 10, and her mandate within this framework will come to an end.”
“During the six-month period, it became clear that there is no common ground due to Greek Cypriot intransigence. As you know, the Greek Cypriot leadership is using every means to maintain their usurped status and to crush my people under the tyranny of isolation. The Greek Cypriot isolationist and obstructionist policies against Turkish Cypriot People and their refusal of an equality-based compromise has once again been exposed during this process.”
President Tatar stated that the Turkish Cypriot People are preparing to celebrate the monumental 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation that had been carried out by Motherland and Guarantor Türkiye on July 20, 1974, which saved the Turkish Cypriot People from atrocities and brought peace and serenity.  
President Tatar stated that he would be honoured to see the OTS Leaders, whom he called "our family council”, or [their] representatives, in the anniversary celebrations that will also be attended by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the President of the Republic of Türkiye.
“As I conclude my words with these thoughts, I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the organisation of the summit, especially host Azerbaijan and President İlham Aliyev. As the President of TRNC, I would like to reiterate our commitment to our organisation and family council. I would like to emphasise once again in your presence, our State's determination to move forward our relations and increase our cooperation, both at the bilateral level and within our organisation, and I hope that the decisions to be taken at the summit will be beneficial for all humanity, especially our countries and that of the Turkic world. I salute you all with respect and reiterate the warm greetings of my People.”
President Tatar along with other Heads of State attended the signing ceremony of the Karabagh Declaration at the Khurshidbanu Natavan Palace.  
Following the ceremony, the Heads of State walked to the Shusha Castle where photographs were taken.