President Ersin Tatar attends Topçuköy Martyrs’ Commemoration Ceremony

“If we live independently and freely on these lands today, we owe this honourable life to our martyrs and veterans.”


President Ersin Tatar attended and gave a speech at the commemoration ceremony at Topçuköy Martyrdom for the 9 martyrs from Topçuköy who lost their lives during the years of the National Struggle and the Cyprus Peace Operation.
President Ersin Tatar, who started his speech by commemorating the martyrs who lost their lives in Topçuköy during the defence of the homeland, he said, "if we can live independently and freely on these lands today, we owe this honourable life to our martyrs and veterans."

Noting that the only desire of the Turkish Cypriots in Cyprus is peace, the President said peace was brought to the island in 1974 with the arrival of Mehmetçik to the island.

President Tatar reminded that the goodwill of the Turkish Cypriot side has always been rejected.

Stating that Türkiye’s effective guarantorship and the presence of Turkish soldiers on the island are red lines and they will never compromise on these, President Tatar underlined that federal-based agreement in Cyprus is out of question and that they are in favour of an agreement based on sovereign equality.