President Ersin Tatar commemorates Dr. Fazıl Küçük, the leader of the struggle for freedom of the Turkish Cypriot People, on the 39th anniversary of his passing


President Ersin Tatar issued a written message commemorating Dr. Fazıl Küçük, the leader of the struggle for freedom of the Turkish Cypriot People, on the 39th anniversary of his passing 
The statement reads as follows:
“We are commemorating with respect and longing Dr. Fazıl Küçük, who was the leading political figure of the social existence and freedom movement of the Turkish Cypriot people, as well as the source of inspiration and strength as a doctor and a journalist, on this 39th anniversary of his passing. 
Dr. Küçük dedicated his life to the independence, freedom and sovereignty of the Turkish Cypriot People, and was known for his principled stance, modest character and comprehension of the needs of his people.  He left his mark on the recent history of the Turkish Cypriots, and has become the symbol of our social existence with his idealist and justice seeking characteristics. 
It is very important for us to carry forth our obligation to the most important legacy of Dr. Fazıl Küçük, which is to act resolutely in social unity and integrity in order to bring our sovereign State, which will celebrate its 40th anniversary this year, to the level it deserves in the political steps we have taken by protecting our historical heritage and our inherent rights.
The Turkish Cypriots, who were expelled from the partnership republic by force of arms in 1963, exposed to all forms of violence for years, and paid heavy prices before reaching a free, safe and dignified life, are today shouting out to the whole world that they are defending their inherent rights. As the Turkish Cypriot Side, we reiterate that the way to a fair, permanent and sustainable settlement in Cyprus is through negotiation and the acknowledgement of the sovereign equality and equal international status of the two existing Sides.
The Turkish Cypriot Side had announced to the whole world with the full support of Motherland Türkiye in Geneva in April 2021, the new policy and the need for the reaffirmation of the sovereign equality and equal international status which is an inherent right of the Turkish Cypriot People. This is necessary in order to establish a cooperative relationship between the two existing States on the island and to co-exist side-by-side in peace, prosperity and security in order to bring about stability to our region.  Dr. Fazıl Küçük had underlined on many occasions that it is not possible for the Turkish Cypriot People to live in security and with freedom without Motherland Türkiye.
With these thoughts, I respectfully commemorate  Dr. Fazıl Küçük with love and respect on the 39th anniversary of his passing, and would like to stress that it is our duty to convey his principles and ideals to the future generations under any and all circumstances whilst again underlining that we are determined to follow the path he showed the Turkish Cypriot people.”