President Ersin Tatar condemns arson attack on a mosque in South Cyprus

“I condemn this heinous attack which is a manifestation of hostility and animosity”

President Ersin Tatar has issued a written statement condemning the arson attack this morning on the Köprülü Hacı İbrahim Ağa Mosque in Limassol, South Cyprus, and has called upon the perpetrators to be caught and prosecuted.
The message of President Tatar reads as follows:
“I condemn in the strongest possible way the heinous attack this morning on a mosque located in the Greek Cypriot Administration.   
The arson attack against the Köprülü Hacı İbrahim Ağa Mosque in Limassol is a manifestation of hostility and animosity against us, our religion of Islam and the sacred values ​​of more than 2 billion people around the world, which cannot be justified by democracy and freedom of thought.
It should not be forgotten that tolerance of different cultures and religions is the cornerstone of world peace and co-existence of different nations and is essential for mutual respect and understanding of peoples of different faiths.
The main reason why many civilisations have survived throughout history is the existence of tolerance between religions and cultures.
The efforts of different religions and cultures to understand and respect each other ensure the preservation of social peace. This heinous attack is therefore also an attack on tolerance and the efforts to protect the common values ​​of humanity and our cultural heritage.
While drawing attention to the need for the perpetrators to be brought to justice immediately, I would like to stress that such outdated attacks are a threat to human values and can dynamite world peace.
Sadly, this is not the first time a mosque is being subjected to an attack in South Cyprus, and I call upon the Greek Cypriot authorities to catch the perpetrators and  prosecute them as they should face justice for this serious crime.”