President Ersin Tatar congratulates Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan

President Ersin Tatar has congratulated Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan, on the democratic elections held in Azerbaijan.

President Tatar congratulated President Aliyev on behalf of the Turkish Cypriot People in a telephone call, following the snap general election that was held on Sunday, that saw the ruling New Azerbaijan Party of President Aliyev sweep to victory.

President Tatar thanked President Aliyev and the authorities for inviting the Cyprus Turkish Football Association (KTFF) U-12 national team to the country, adding that the young national team is currently in Azerbaijan, and is participating in a football tournament there.

Stating that the people of Azerbaijan exercised their free political will in the democratic elections,  President Tatar emphasised that he is confident the “cooperation of the Azerbaijan-TRNC Friendship Group will continue to deepen relations in the new term in the Parliament.

Expressing his gratitude to President Aliyev for his support to the TRNC and for inviting him to the summit of the Organisation of Turkic States that was held in July in Shusha, Azerbaijan, President Tatar stressed the importance of continuing to develop the relations between the organisation and the TRNC.

Pointing out that it was the first time the elections were also held in Nagarno-Karabakh, which has been liberated following an occupation that lasted for 30 years, President Tatar said:  "The New Azerbaijan Party has emerged as the winner of the democratically held election. I would like to sincerely congratulate you on the results of these elections, which reaffirms the strong political will and support of the people of Azerbaijan to you. On this occasion, I would like to once again congratulate Your Excellency on the election victory and convey the love and warm greetings of the Turkish Cypriot people to the brotherly people of Azerbaijan.”

President Ilham Aliyev, who thanked TRNC President Tatar for his commendations and well wishes,  emphasised the importance of continuing to exchange ideas. He said he will continue to support the development of relations within the framework of the Organisation of Turkic States.