President Ersin Tatar emphasises at the Medium-Term Programme Presentation and Consultation Meeting: “Positive perception is important in economics, opportunities should be turned into advantages”

In his speech addressing the participants at the Medium-Term Program Presentation and Consultation Meeting organised by the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Commerce, President Ersin Tatar stated that he hoped that concrete ideas that will pave the way for the development of the country's economy will emerge. The President expressed his belief that all stakeholders and social layers will benefit from the constructive ideas being put forward.


Emphasising the importance of positive perception in economics, President Tatar said: "It is indeed necessary to maintain a positive perception and, in this context, to take decisive steps in relation to tackling the economic difficulties being experienced. It is my conviction that the economic difficulties will be overcome through cooperation, adoption of a correct and positive perception and proper planning," the President said.   
Underlining the importance of investments in the TRNC and the human capital in the country, President Tatar pointed out that the main issue is to keep focusing on the development of the country in all areas and the increase of investments in the country.  
“Opportunities should be turned into advantages”  
Pointing out the importance of turning opportunities into advantages, President Tatar said the TRNC will become more attractive for tourists and students in these days when the currency is fluctuating, and that things should be viewed from the positive angle.  
“More funds should be transferred to the Immovable Property Commission”  
President Tatar said that the Immovable Property Commission should be a more effective and competent institution through the allocation of more resources.  

“Gross National Produce is predicted to increase by 20 per cent with the Maraş opening”  
President Tatar also referred to the Maraş opening, stating that this opening is a right step and it is predicted that the Gross National Produce will increase by 20 per cent.  
Drawing attention to the necessity of registering the economy, President Tatar stated that social justice and economic structure should be strengthened by showing the necessary sensitivity in tax collection.  
“Structural reform efforts need to be given importance”  
Pointing to the importance of all segments of the society acting jointly by achieving consensus on the cost of living, President Tatar said that during the Covid-19 epidemic, a resource of 5 billion TL was transferred from Turkey to the TRNC, and that this is very important. President Tatar stated that importance should be given to efforts for structural reforms.  
“The electricity coming from the Republic of Turkey by cable will make the TRNC the shining star of the region”  
Expressing that the electricity coming from the Republic of Turkey by cable is of great importance in terms of environment as well as economically, President Tatar said that the will of the TRNC on this issue should be clearly demonstrated. He underlined that the arrival of electricity via cable from the Republic of Turkey to the TRNC, where tourism and higher education are the leading sectors, will make the TRNC the shining star of the region.  
Necessary incentive mechanisms should be implemented  
Emphasising that the TRNC's natural sites,  history and climate are great advantages,  President Tatar underlined that these advantages should be used well. Referring to the positive effect of paving the way for investors, accelerating the flow of tourists and students, maintaining good environment, and the return of Turkish Cypriots living abroad to the TRNC, the President said that it is important to take the necessary steps regarding incentive mechanisms in these matters.