President Ersin Tatar: “I always have and will continue to support the efforts to help future generations learn about the Cyprus issue”  

President Ersin Tatar received Daily Sabah Printed Media Executive Committee Member and Advertisement General Manager Ceyda Uzman and deputy General Managers İsmail Arıcı and Sedat Acet.  

The President thanked the Sabah group for their visit, wished them success in their work and made evaluations about the Cyprus issue and the  current issues on the agenda.  

President Tatar underlined the importance and the need for future generations to learn their history and roots as well as the Cyprus issue national cause.    

Stating that the Turkish Cypriot side will never accept an agreement based on a federal basis, the President emphasised that "we will continue to explain the reasons why Turkish Cypriot People withdrew their consent for a federal based settlement and why we support a two State model on the basis of the sovereign equality and equal international status of the two Sides".  

Also present at the meeting were Presidential Press Advisor Aydın Akkurt and Presidential Political Affairs Advisor Anıl Kaya.