President Ersin Tatar issued a message on the occasion of World Cancer Day: "It is up to us to defeat cancer"  

The message of President Ersin Tatar on the occasion of February 4 World Cancer Day is as follows:  

“Cancer is unfortunately one of the most important health problems of our time, affecting more and more people every day. Millions of people around the world die from cancer. Except for hereditary cancers, environmental factors play an important role in the development of cancer. Advancing modern science shows us that cancer is curable.  

It's up to us to beat cancer. By staying away from harmful habits such as alcohol and inactivity, unhealthy diet and tobacco, we can protect our health and reduce the risk of developing cancer. In addition, we should not forget that the most important element in the successful fight against cancer, as in all diseases, is early diagnosis.  

On the occasion of February 4 World Cancer Day, I wish a speedy recovery to all our  citizens who are undergoing treatment for cancer. Especially in this pandemic period, our cancer patients need to be even more careful. I would like to thank health workers who have been working  in extra-ordinary and difficult conditions during the pandemic period.  

Our relevant institutions will continue to stand by our citizens with all their means in early diagnosis and at every stage of the fight against cancer.”