President Ersin Tatar issued a written statement on the anniversary of the July 15, 1974 coup d’état undertaken by the Greek junta and the EOKA terrorist organisation in the island of Cyprus...

President Ersin Tatar issued a written statement on the anniversary of the July 15, 1974 coup d’état undertaken by the Greek junta and the EOKA terrorist organisation in the island of Cyprus and the anniversary of the coup attempt by the FETO terrorist organisation that was carried out on July 15, 2016, in the Republic of Türkiye.

President Ersin Tatar issued a written message on the 8th anniversary of the July 15 coup attempt in Türkiye and the 50th anniversary of the coup carried out by the Greek Junta in the island of Cyprus.

The statement reads as follows:
“We commemorate the anniversary of the cruel coup attempt of July 15, 2016, in which the Great Turkish Nation showed the whole world its determination to protect democracy and national will.
On the night of July 15, the traitors who targeted the unity and solidarity of the Republic of Türkiye were defeated, thanks to the strong will of the Turkish Nation and the sacrifices of the heroic security forces. That night, the Turkish Nation, who cherished their homeland and stood tall against tanks and bullets, wrote an epic by defending democracy and freedom.
While defending the Republic of Türkiye, freedom, independence, democracy and the will of the people in the coup attempt carried out by the FETO terrorist organisation, I pay tribute to the sacrifice shown by the martyrs with gratitude, and I salute our veterans with respect.
July 15 is also an important date for the Turkish Cypriot people. July 15 is the 50th anniversary of the Greek coup in Cyprus. The coup was suppressed by the Turkish nation and the Turkish Security Forces, the Turkish Cypriot people strongly reacted to this coup attempt from the very first moment. The Turkish Cypriot people are independent, free and will continue their existence with their own state. All this gives us strength. 
Let's not forget that the Republic of Türkiye and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will survive forever with the determination of our Nation. On the anniversary of the cruel coup attempt, I once again emphasise our commitment to democracy and national will, and convey my greetings and love to every individual of the Turkish Nation.”