President Ersin Tatar issues a written statement expressing great sadness and concern of the developments taking place following the attack in Israel

President Ersin Tatar has issued a written statement where he expressed great sadness and concern of the developments taking place following the attack in Israel and called upon the relevant parties to act with common sense.

President Tatar stated that the Turkish Cypriot people are against every kind of terrorist act and emphasised that it is not possible to approve armed attacks, especially those targeting civilians.

Stating that the Israeli-Palestinian issue has, for years, been a bleeding wound of the region,  President Tatar said that this situation has once again shown the importance on the need to create conditions of peace and tranquillity, which he said had been brought to the island of Cyprus in the Cyprus Peace Operation in 1974.  President Tatar stressed that they, together with Motherland Türkiye, support a resolution to regional and global problems through dialogue.

Stating that there is a "strong Republic of Türkiye in the region" that is "able to contribute to the peaceful resolution of conflicts", President Tatar stated that "there is a need to be aware that there are no winners in wars".

President Tatar pointed out that there were civilian casualties and that this should be prevented as soon as possible and the problem should be resolved through negotiation.
President Ersin Tatar congratulates Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of Republic of Türkiye, on his re-election as the leader of the Justice and Development Party (AKP)

President Ersin Tatar has congratulated Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of the Republic of Türkiye, on his re-election as the leader of the Justice and Development Party (AKP).

President Erdoğan was unanimously re-elected by 1,399 party delegates at the 4th Justice and Development Party Extraordinary Grand Congress that was held at the Ankara Arena on Saturday.

“The re-election of President Erdoğan and the statements he has made at the congress, which was more like a festival celebrating democracy, is very important with regards to the future of Türkiye,” President Tatar said.

President Tatar said: “A greater new era has been started under the leadership of President Erdoğan, who has been re-elected as the leader of the AKP, that envisions the new Century of the Republic of Türkiye. This vision is about development and welfare, it is about carrying our nation from success to success.”

Stating his conviction that the success of Motherland Türkiye will also reflect positively on the TRNC, President Tatar said: “I wish to congratulate the AKP family. I congratulate President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan over his victory, and wish the newly elected governing board and officials of the AKP success for the future.”