President Ersin Tatar issues written statement on the isolation policy of the Greek Cypriot side

“Stop supporting the isolation policy pursued by the Greek Cypriot leadership”

President Ersin Tatar has issued a written statement regarding the isolation policy pursued by the Greek side, where he stated the following:
“The policy of the Greek Cypriot leadership in pressuring and intimidating individuals, in addition to the isolation policy it pursued for decades, has significantly increased recently, which has once again revealed the true intentions of the Greek Cypriot side.
On one hand, the Greek leader makes statements aimed at creating a positive impression for the benefit of the international community, whilst on the other hand, he continues to take steps that in particular targets our economy.
The Immovable Property Commission (IPC), which is recognised as an effective domestic legal mechanism fully endorsed by the European Court of Human Rights, has been handling applications by Greek Cypriots since its establishment in 2005.
Despite the existence of the IPC, however, the Greek Cypriot leadership is seeking to prevent its citizens from applying to the Commission, or not providing the necessary official documentation to those who have lodged applications at the IPC, in order to stop the advancement of their applications.
Whilst these facts are known to everybody, the latest actions by the Greek Cypriot leadership in targeting individuals by taking the issue to its own courts is a blatant violation of international law.
Targeting law abiding individuals, who adhere to the legal property regime based on international law and the European Convention on Human Rights in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, is not acceptable. These actions are also detrimental to the trust issue between the two Peoples.
At a time when the Turkish Cypriot Side is continuously calling for cooperation, the Greek Cypriot Side has significantly increased its policy of coersion and intimidation. I therefore feel obliged to invite the Greek Cypriot Side to start taking a common-sense approach.
The Turkish Cypriot People have been oppressed under the unjust and unlawful isolation for the past 61 years.
The international community's indifference to this oppression, which violates the fundamental human rights of my people, encourages the Greek Cypriot leadership to take more steps targeting my people, contrary to international law.
At this point, my appeal is to the international community, particularly the UN.
Stop supporting the isolation policy pursued by the Greek Cypriot leadership."