President Ersin Tatar made the opening speech of the World Nurses Day celebration speeches, which was held online today, as part of the Nurses and Midwives Week events

In his speech, President Tatar congratulated all midwives and nurses on the occasion of May 5, Midwives Day and May 12, Nurses Day.

Drawing attention to the importance given to health in the TRNC, especially due to the pandemic, President Tatar stated that their support to the healthcare professionals has always been consistent and continuous.   Reminding that significant investments have been made in the health sector, both in state hospitals and private hospitals, President Tatar stated that healthcare professionals provide self-sacrificing and altruistic services regardless of religion and race.

The President stated that “it is important to instill into new nurses the enthusiasm and love of the nursing profession and this is what I expect from senior nurses”. He added that the nurse whose name was attributed to Florence Nightingale hospital was an exemplary person who made history with the services she gave in the Crimean War and expressed his gratitude to the nurses and healthcare professionals who served with great sacrifices in difficult conditions during the pandemic process.

Wishing that the Covid-19 pandemic would slow down and be surpassed with the increase of vaccines, President Tatar stated that the value of health and life was better understood during the pandemic process.

In his speech, President Tatar emphasized the importance of the survival and strengthening of the TRNC state, drew attention to the importance of the support provided by the Republic of Turkey in the field of health  and also congratulated the nurses and midwives working in Turkey.

Prime Minister H. Ersan Saner, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health Assoc. Dr. Dürye Deren Oygar, KTHEB President Ali Bolat, KTHES President İbrahim Özgöçmen and Ministry of Health Nursing Services Deputy Expert Dr. Güley Abatay also made speeches in the online congratulatory speeches moderated by Reşat Karakahraman, Social Affairs Officer of the Cyprus Turkish Nurses and Midwives Association.