President Ersin Tatar meets with a delegation from Muratağa Atlılar Sandallar Martyrs Memorial Association

President Ersin Tatar received a delegation from Muratağa Atlılar Sandallar Martyrs Memorial Association, chaired by Ahmet Aşır.


In his speech during the meeting, the President noted that this year is the 50th anniversary of the Peace Operation and he commemorated the martyrs.
Stating that the pain of the relatives of the martrys is our common pain, President Tatar referred to the inhuman attacks which took place in Muratağa-Atlılar-Sandallar. President Tatar said the state will do their utmost for the martyrs and that following Muratağa-Sandallar, the excavations for the remains of missing persons and DNA tests are being carried out for the Atlılar martyrs, and these studies are continuing with the outstanding efforts of the Missing Persons Committee to build graves for each martyr. Stating that he closely followed the meticulous process of excavating mass graves, President Tatar thanked the technical experts for the scientific studies executed on the matter.
The President emphasised that he will also be following the construction of the mausoleum. “This massacre to which innocent people were subjected, is the shame of Southern Cyprus and the EOKA supporters,” said the President. “We will never let our martyrs be forgotten".
Ahmet Aşır, the Chairman of the Muratağa-Atlılar-Sandallar Martyrs' Memorial Association, expressed their support for the policy pursued by President Tatar on behalf of the relatives of the martyrs and requested the implementation of the project of building the Atlılar Martyrdom.