President Ersin Tatar meets with a group of young people at his office in the Presidency on the occasion of May 19, Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day

During the meeting, President Ersin Tatar recalled that the Great Leader and founder of the Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, landed in Samsun and started the War of Independence 102 years ago. The President emphasised that May 19 is a date declared by Atatürk as a gift to all the youth in the world.

President Tatar said he attributed “great importance to the youth” which he said “is our future and security”.   He also emphasised the importance of young people making good use of the opportunities and education available to them and to have a good character, to love and guard their homeland, state and flag, and play their role in society as individuals.

Giving the message that contemporary, cultured, educated, equipped and self-confident Turkish Cypriot youth should follow the developments and innovations around the globe,  be prepared for the future and being integrated with the rest of the world, President Tatar stated that the TRNC will continue to provide all kinds of opportunities to the youth with the support of Motherland Turkey.

Celebrating the 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day of all young people, President Tatar also answered the questions of the group.

On the question of ‘how does it feel to be a president?’ President Tatar stated that the position is one of heavy responsibilities and obligations, adding that he is “aspiring to do my upmost in evaluating the expectations and problems of the people and of the country together with the rest of our staff and it is the priority to protect the rights and interests of the Turkish Cypriot people, especially where the Cyprus issue is concerned. This is important to secure a safe and secure position of the Turkish Cypriot people under my new vision.”

“The people and societies who are not aware of the past are condemned to extinction,” the President said. “Our youth must understand what took place in the past in order to learn lessons from it, to look to a brighter future. Our youth must do this without any form of hatred or animosity so that we can look to a secure future.”   President  Tatar reiterated that it is necessary to know the history and geography of the island of Cyprus well.

In response to another question, President Tatar stated that the Turkish Cypriot people continue to live according to their culture and traditions. “The Turkish Cypriot people are  preserving their own culture and traditions, as well as their spirituality and values,” he said.

President Tatar stated that Turkish Cypriots were an extension of their ancestors from Anatolia, and he emphasised the importance of continuing their own culture in the future  as a separate people in Cyprus.

President Tatar explained that the world knows that there are two separate peoples in Cyprus, adding that students from other countries of the world are receiving education at higher education institutions and universities in the TRNC.

In response to a question, President Tatar touched on the education system and said that “we are aspiring as the grandchildren of a well-educated people,” adding that “education is at present being conducted online due to the on-going pandemic. . .our teachers are working with dedication under the circumstances,” he said.

President Tatar pointed out the need to “work and to be productive” and expressed that he has every confidence in the young people to do these.