President Ersin Tatar meets with officials of the Association of Retired Police Officers

President Ersin Tatar met with a delegation from the Association of Retired Police Officers, headed by Birol Atasü.


Speaking during the meeting, President Tatar said that he is "happy to be meeting the new board of the association", and said "you are an important non-governmental organisation," and "wished them success".
Referring to those who provided service to the police force in the past, President Tatar said that whilst the Turkish Cypriot people continue their existence on this island, "as a result of past experiences, our country is governed by giving priority to security and peaceful life".
Stating that the "Police Organisation is growing stronger" with the "use of developing technology and the Security Forces Command", President Tatar stated that the police have "important responsibilities -- taking into account the structure of population and the economic and geostrategic developments in the region". President Tatar also expressed the importance of continuing to strengthen the Police force.
President Tatar extended his good wishes to all retired police officers.