President Ersin Tatar meets with the Turkish Minister of Trade, Mehmet Muş

President Ersin Tatar received Turkish Minister of Trade, Mehmet Muş.


Minister Mehmet Muş briefed President Tatar about his official contacts in the TRNC. Stating that a protocol will be signed between the Republic of Turkey and TRNC and approval will be given for some applications to be implemented, Minister Muş thanked President Tatar and his delegation for their hospitality.

President Ersin Tatar thanked President Erdoğan and the Republic of Turkey for their help and support to the TRNC.

Pointing out that Minister Muş is a person who knows the TRNC well, President Tatar said that this is pleasing for the country.

Emphasising the importance of feeling the support of Turkey during difficult times like the pandemic, President Tatar stated that this feeling is indeed the guaranteed security and stability.

Stating that the pandemic has been managed well in the TRNC despite the problems it has caused for the people,  President Tatar noted that stability is needed for the development of the  economy.

President Tatar stated that tourism and construction are among the locomotive sectors of the TRNC. He added that these foreign-dependent sectors have been adversely affected by the pandemic, which he said also prevented investors from coming to the country.

President Tatar stated that the health investments made due to the pandemic allow us to look to the future with confidence.

Expressing that the process has come to a good point with the vaccination and the measures taken, and that the TRNC will start elevating after the pandemic, President Tatar said that tourism visits as well as higher education are expected to increase in due course.




President Tatar called on the Turkish people to invest more in the TRNC.

Stating that the TRNC can attract the attention of many people with its history, ancient
monuments, nature and other features, President Tatar stated that there will also be more interest in the TRNC from investors from the Republic of Turkey.

President Tatar stated that the TRNC is one of the most beautiful places in the eastern Mediterranean and expressed his belief that opportunities in tourism will rise.  Pointing out the importance of controlling costs and reforms for competitiveness, President Tatar said that the export potential is high.

Referring to the export amounts of citrus and similar products in the Güzelyurt region, President Tatar stated that 100,000 tons of citrus fruits were exported.

Stating that the water project from Turkey to the TRNC has given life to the TRNC, President Tatar noted that the water will be used for agricultural purposes in Güzelyurt and Mesarya Plain and that new cultivations have started in the Güzelyurt region.

Expressing his wish for a solution to be found to the issue of electricity following on from the project of the century undersea pipeline which is transporting 75 million m3 per annum of fresh water to the country from Turkey, President Tatar noted that electricity is expensive and bold steps should be taken in this direction.

Turkish Ambassador to Lefkoşa Ali Murat Başçeri, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Energy Erhan Arıklı, AK Party İzmir Deputy Necip Nasır, AK Party Bingöl Deputy Feyzi Berdibek, AK Party Army Deputy Metin Gündoğdu and TESKOMB President Abdülkadir Akgül participated in the meeting.