President Ersin Tatar meets with Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce UK and some Turkish Cypriot civil society representatives

President Ersin Tatar has started his contacts in the UK and met the Turkish Cypriot Chamber (CTCC UK) of Commerce UK officials and some civil society representatives.
The meeting, which was held at the TRNC Representative Office, was also attended by Çimen Keskin, TRNC Representative to London and CTCC UK President Muhammet Yaşarata, together with the representatives of some civil society representatives.
Paying tribute to Turkish Cypriots in the UK, President Tatar said: "There are an estimated 350,000 Turkish Cypriots living in the UK, who have become successful across different walks of life. It is important to continue to keep the strong bonds that exists between Turkish Cypriots living abroad and that of the TRNC, and to promote their investments in our country.”
President Tatar commended the Turkish Cypriots for contributing to the socio-economic fabric of the UK and succeeding across different professions, whilst preserving their cultural heritage and bonds with the TRNC.
President Tatar stated that he is paying a visit to the UK and will also be meeting with British Parliamentarians and participate in press interviews, where he will put forward the just cause of the Turkish Cypriot People.
In reference to the Cyprus issue, President Tatar said: “The Turkish Cypriot People want to coexist in sustainable peace and stability on the Island of Cyprus. Negotiations for a federal-based settlement have been held for more than half-a-century. However, the Greek Cypriot Side have rejected at least 15 settlement plans. It is time for the international community, and the UK as one of the guarantor powers, to take a balanced approach on Cyprus. My vision, that is fully supported by Türkiye, is for a settlement to be based on our sovereign equality and equal international status. Federal-based negotiations have been exhausted. A sustainable and realistic settlement can be found on the basis of two States, coexisting side-by-side in a cooperative relationship.”
Stressing that the Turkish Cypriot Side will “never abandon its two State vision”, President Tatar added: “The TRNC has geostrategic importance in the eastern Mediterranean and is vital for the security of the Republic of Türkiye”.
President Tatar stated that the inhumane isolation on the Turkish Cypriot People has had a negative impact on the lives of people.
“The international community should review the injustices faced by the Turkish Cypriot People,” President Tatar said. “We are putting forward a constructive position, for the initial start of “3Ds” – direct flights, direct trade and direct contact.”