President Ersin Tatar met with Vice President of the Republic of Turkey Fuat Oktay in Ankara

“Efforts will be continued to support the development of the welfare of the TRNC by the Republic of Turkey”


President Ersin Tatar met with Vice President of the Republic of Turkey Fuat Oktay in Ankara. In his statement following the meeting, President Tatar stated that the Republic of Turkey will continue to support the efforts to improve the welfare in the TRNC as always.
In respect of the Cyprus issue, the President said that his two State policy is fully supported by the Republic of Turkey, adding that he had the opportunity to evaluate together with Vice President Fuat Oktay the steps to further deepen and to consolidate the policy and views of the Turkish side with the messages given to the international community.
In his statement made to State media TAK and BRT, President Ersin Tatar stated that the results of the parliamentary elections held in the TRNC on January 23 were also evaluated and he explained that as the President, he would give the mandate to the person who will form the government after the Parliamentary Oath taking ceremony.
Noting that Vice President, Fuat Oktay, expressed his wish for the formation of a stable government and the implementation of necessary structural reforms and economic measures and initiatives, President Tatar said that the efforts to increase the welfare in the TRNC will be supported by the Republic of Turkey.
“Certain behaviour of Greece and the Greek Cypriot Administration continue to cause discomfort”
Expressing that the situation in the eastern Mediterranean is being closely observed, President Tatar emphasised that certain behavioural actions by both Greece and the Greek Cypriot Administration was continuing to cause discomfort.
Drawing attention to the uncomfortable situation that has been created due to the permission given by the Greek Cypriots to the PYD in South Cyprus last week, President Tatar stated that they would continue monitoring and evaluating these issues, taking into account the importance of the situation in the Aegean Region and the eastern Mediterranean.
Noting that the Republic of Turkey was continuing to support the TRNC in relation to the difficulties that have arisen due to the pandemic, President Tatar said that with the Omicron variant, the pandemic could be left behind and that a new endemic period could be entered into.
“We expect the TRNC to return to its pre-pandemic state in terms of tourism”.
 “The Republic of Turkey supported the decisions taken by the TRNC authorities”
Pointing to the decisions of the National Security Council of Turkey, President Tatar emphasised said that the “Republic of Turkey supports the decisions taken by the TRNC authorities regarding the new vision for a solution based on two State model and the opening made in relation to the fenced-off area of Maraş, to open it to civil use and to allow property applicants to seek an effective domestic legal remedy under the European Court of Human Rights sanctioned Immovable Property Commission”.
Gifts were also exchanged at the meeting between President Ersin Tatar and Vice President Fuat Oktay.