President Ersin Tatar participates in a conference titled “Cultural Caravan from Konya to Cyprus”, organised by the Konya Writers Association

“The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is the provider of unity to our People”


President Ersin Tatar participated in a conference titled “Cultural Caravan from Konya to Cyprus” that was held at the Atatürk Cultural Centre in Lefkoşa.
The event was organised by the Konya Writers Association to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation and Peace and Freedom Day celebrations, where President Ersin Tatar delivered a speech.
“When the City of Konya, a holy place situated in Anatolia is mentioned, we instantly remember Mevlana Rumi, his life philosophy, positive outlook and words of wisdom, communicated beautifully through art and poetry, which forms an important part of our culture,” President Tatar said.  
The President said that when the Ottoman Empire had conquered the Island of Cyprus in 1571, there were 1,600 families from Konya who had settled in Cyprus.
Emphasising that the Turkish Cypriot people embraced those who settled in the country from different parts of Anatolia over hundreds of years, President Tatar stated that “we increased our population, developed and strengthened our State”.
Pointing out that there were attempts to make Cyprus a Hellenic Island in the hope that Anatolia “will be surrounded in terms of limiting airspace and restricting maritime supply routes,” President Tatar added: “Had the Cyprus Peace Operation not have taken place, our country would have been worser than Gaza. There have been many attacks and massacres against the Turkish Cypriots since the 1960s. Turkish Cypriots resisted for 11 years so that Mehmetçik would come. Dr. Fazıl Küçük, Rauf Raif Denktaş and their friends have played an important role in carrying the cause to this point.”
President Tatar stated that prior to the conference, he visited the amphibious assault ship of the Turkish Navy, named TCG Anadolu, that is also visiting the TRNC for the 50th Anniversary celebrations of the Cyprus Peace Operation. “I wish to stress the importance of Blue Homeland and our Airspace,” he said.
Stating that the Ottoman Empire had lost 80,000 martyrs during the conquest of the Island in the one-year long war with the Venetians, President Tatar noted that there were “no Greeks on the island at that time and that the population increase of the Greek Cypriots had come about during the period when Cyprus had been leased to Britain as from 1878”.
Explaining that the Ottoman Empire ruled the island for 357 years, President Tatar stressed that when the Island of Cyprus had come under complete British administration with the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne, and that “religious foundation [Evkaf] properties were during this period unlawfully appropriated, looted and practices were carried out in violation of certain conventions and international law”.
President Tatar stated that the Turkish Cypriots, who did not want to live under the administration of Britain, migrated to Anatolia and other parts of the world, as the population demographics of the Island changed as Greeks were brought to the Island to bolster the Greek population. “This situation became detrimental to the Turks on the Island, in terms of both population ratio and land ownership,” President Tatar explained.
President Tatar stated that it is necessary to be in contact with the Turkish Nation living in different parts of the world by taking advantage of the developing communication channels and technology, adding that the “the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is the provide of unity to our People; our hearts beat the same”.
President Tatar explained that there are efforts aimed at “severing the strong bond that exists between the Turkish nation and the Turkish Cypriot People,” adding: “However, we shall never forget our roots, our cultural heritage, and we will keep strong bonds with Motherland Türkiye. We are continuing to pass on to future generations our values, patriotism and love for our country. The Turkish Cypriot People are an inseparable part of the Turkish nation.”
The President stated that “communication with Turkic people all over the world should be increased in educational institutions and non-governmental organisations”.
Referring to the statements made by President of the Republic of Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, at the official parade in Lefkoşa on July 20 Peace and Freedom Day, President Tatar expressed his gratitude to President Erdoğan, who he said had stated that the “TRNC is the apple of our eye, and a part of the Turkish nation. He also stated that federal-based negotiations in Cyprus have come to an end.” The discussions on a settlement based on federation is ended’, President Tatar said the followings:
“With the unjust isolation and restrictions imposed on the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, they are trying to make the Turkish Cypriots surrender and to give up,” President Tatar said. “However, peace came to Cyprus in 1974 due to the Cyprus Peace Operation. New and formal negotiations can be started after our inherent rights, namely our sovereign equality and equal international status, has been reaffirmed and acknowledged. We shall never accept the abolishment of the guarantee of Türkiye and the withdrawal of the Turkish army through a federal settlement. A settlement can be reached on the basis of two States that are in a cooperative relationship. This cooperation can range from many areas from energy to natural resources”.
 We can resume negotiations with the confirmation of our inherent rights. We do not accept the end of guarantees of Türkiye and the withdrawal of the Turkish troops through federation. We would like to reach an agreement based on the cooperation of the two states. The two states can cooperate on many issues such as energy and natural resources”.