President Ersin Tatar participates in the 2nd Dilekkaya Hellim Festival, organised by the Değirmenlik-Akıncılar Municipality

“Traditional hellim making should be learned and passed on to future generations”


President Ersin Tatar participated in the 2nd Dilekkaya Hellim Festival where he paid tribute to the villagers and the Değirmenlik-Akıncılar Municipality – which organised the festival --  in promoting hellim and how to make the famous cheese of the Island of Cyprus, which he said is also an integral part of Turkish Cypriot culture.
President Tatar visited the festival stands and spoke with members of the public.
Speaking at the opening of the festival, President Tatar said that Turkish Cypriot People have “always protected their identity, traditions and culture, wherever they are in the world”.
Stressing that it is “important for our culture and traditions to be passed on to the future generations,” President Tatar said: “Thanks to developing technology and communication tools, wider audiences can be reached.  Turkish Cypriots, wherever they live, can access information and learn about their culture and traditions.”
Stating that it is “essential to learn how to make hellim. . .a cheese that is unique to the Island of Cyprus”, President Tatar said “it is important for our future generations to learn about hellim and how to make this delicious cheese that plays such an important part of our culture”.
The President congratulated the organisers of the festival and thanked the participants for contributing to the successfully held festival.