President Ersin Tatar pays a visit to the Çanakkale Martyrs’ Memorial


President Ersin Tatar has paid a visit to the Çanakkale Martys’ Monument which was constructed in 1915 in memory of the Turkish soldiers who lost their lives at the Gallipoli wars during World War I.
President Tatar is visiting Türkiye within the framework of commemorating the centenary of the declaration of the Republic by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk – who had also commanded the forces in Çanakkale and led them to victory.
The President was welcomed with a military ceremony upon his arrival at the martyrs' cemetery, and the flags of the Republic of Türkiye and the TRNC were hoisted together at the entrance of the martyrs’ cemetery.
President Tatar first laid a wreath at the Atatürk Monument, then left carnations at the martyrs' cemetery, visited the Mehmetçik Monument, Turkish Garden, Mustafa Kemal Çanakkale Monument, Wounded Soldier Monument, Unknown Soldier Tomb and the Turkish Martyrs' Cemetery.
Following the visit, President Tatar bid farewell to the martyrs' cemetery with a military ceremony.
President Tatar also took photographs with members of the public during the visit.