President Ersin Tatar receives Head of the UNDP Cyprus Jakhongir Khaydarov and his accompanying delegation

Ideas were exchanged on issues that would benefit the Island of Cyprus.

President Ersin Tatar receives Head of the UNDP Cyprus Jakhongir Khaydarov, UNDP Head of Cyprus Programme Nilgün Arif and UNDP Cyprus Operations Manager Ali Tüzel. 
During the meeting, alongside with the ongoing projects in our country that the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) provides technical support, ideas were exchanged on issues that will develop cooperation between the two sides and will benefit the Island of Cyprus.
UNDP officials also briefed President Tatar about the expert support provided by the Technical Committees within the scope of their work. 
The meeting was attended by Special Representative M. Ergün Olgun and members of the negotiation team Güneş Onar and Sülen Karabacak.