President Ersin Tatar reiterates in his telephone conversation with Greek Cypriot Leader Nikos Christodoulides that the Turkish Cypriot Side is ready and willing to assist in firefighting efforts in the region of Limassol 

TRNC authorities offer assistance to help extinguish the fire in the Limassol region in South Cyprus

President Ersin Tatar has reiterated in a telephone call with the Greek Cypriot Leader Nikos Christodoulides the readiness of the TRNC to help extinguish the fire in the “Alasa” village in the Limassol region that has been continuing from the previous day, which is yet to be brought under control.
President Tatar stated that the fire has continued to rage out of control and that the Greek Cypriot Side has asked for assistance from Israel, Lebanon, Jordan and Greece. Expressing his sadness about the fire, the President underlined that the Turkish Cypriot Side has offered assistance to the Greek Cypriot Side on several occasions to help extinguish the fire, including offering to dispatch firefighting vehicles and personnel.
The Greek Cypriot Leader, Nikos Christodoulides, has welcomed the sincere offer by the Turkish Cypriot authorities to assist in firefighting efforts and thanking President Tatar,  stated that his offer will be considered.
Following this telephone call, M. Ergün Olgun, the Special Representative of the President, was contacted on the telephone by the Greek Cypriot Negotiator, Menelaos Menelaou who enquired as to what assistance can be given by the Turkish Cypriot Side.
Following his consultations with TRNC authorities, Special Representative Olgun has stated to Greek Cypriot Negotiator Menelaou that, at the first instance, two firefighting engines each with their relative personnel, one water tanker and one command vehicle of the Forestry Department as well as two firefighting engines and their personnel, one water tanker and one command vehicle from the Civil Defence Department, are ready to engage and are on standby to help in efforts to extinguish the fire.
In response to this offer, Mr Menelaou has stated that he has passed on the information by Mr. Olgun to their fire fighting services, which he said have notified him that the situation is currently under control.
Mr. Menelaou conveyed the utmost appreciation from the Greek Cypriot Leader Nikos Christodoulides to President Tatar for the offer to assist in efforts to extinguish the fire.