President Ersin Tatar returned to Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus after completing his contacts in Kayseri and Ankara in Turkey and said: “Our wish is for a durable and stable government to be formed”

President Ersin Tatar and the accompanying delegation completed their contacts in Kayseri and Ankara and returned to the TRNC.

The President and the accompanying delegation were welcomed by the Parliamentary Speaker Önder Sennaroğlu, some ministers and bureaucrats at Ercan Airport.
President Tatar made a press statement at the Ercan Airport and evaluated his contacts.
Stating that he will hand the mandate to National Unity Party (UBP) Chairman and Prime Minister Faiz Sucuoğlu to form a new Government following the Parliamentary Oath taking ceremony on February 7, the President said: “Our wish is for a stable, durable and uninterrupted government to be formed.  It is important that the Government can carry out the needed work without interruption."  
Contacts in Kaysei
Stating that he was awarded an honorary doctorate by Kayseri University, President Tatar said that he gave a conference at the university regarding the Cyprus problem and the current situation in the 'Blue Homeland'. Expressing that they visited the Kayseri Chamber of Commerce and the Kayseri Chamber of Industry with the heads of economic organisations who accompanied him, President Tatar stated that they had a meeting with the delegations there as well as with Kayseri MUSIAD where the Cyprus issue was discussed.
Noting that the representatives of the  economic organisations also made various contacts with their interlocutors, President Tatar stated that he also met with the Cyprus veterans, Kayseri shopkeepers, business people and public.
“Such contacts are beneficial.. we received a warm welcome at all our visits.”
President Ersin Tatar stated that he also held a press conference in Kayseri.  Highlighting the necessity of such contacts, the President emphasised the importance of explaining the position of the TRNC in relation to the Cyprus issue.
Underlining that one of his promises before being elected the President was to maintain good relations with the Republic of Turkey, President Tatar said that he was "embraced and warmly welcomed in these visits," adding that "these contacts are for the benefit of the country". 
Expressing that he was also able to make inspections in the Kayseri Industrial Zone, President Tatar drew attention to the potential of Kayseri in terms of exporting there. The President stated that is important for business people in the TRNC to benefit from the experiences of their interlocutors and added that the foreign students, tourists and cultural contacts from Kayseri are important for the TRNC economy and the country. 
“Cooperation with the Republic of Turkey will increasingly continue”
Expressing that he met with the Vice President of the Republic of Turkey Fuat Oktay in Ankara, President Tatar said that the Cyprus problem, the developments in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Greek Cypriot-Greek duo's permission to the PYD were discussed and emphasized that the cooperation with the Republic of Turkey would increasingly continue.
Expressing that economic issues were also discussed in his meeting with Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay, President Tatar stated that there has been an economic contraction because of the pandemic. Expressing that there may be some new developments in the coming period with the establishment of the new government, President Tatar said; "The perspective of the Republic of Turkey on the TRNC is that a government is formed in a few weeks," he said.
Problems in People's Foundation Elderly Nursing Home. Necessary arrangements  should be made as soon as possible.
President Tatar also touched upon the problems experienced in the Halk Vakfı Elderly Nursing Center in the village of Sınırüstü. Stating that he was following the issue closely, the President said that he had also held a telephone call on the matter with Prime Minister Faiz Sucuoğlu whilst he was in Kayseri, adding that the "necessary arrangements will be carried out as soon as possible".