President Ersin Tatar speaks to Anadolu News Agency (AA) where he evaluates the latest developments with regards to the Cyprus issue

“TRNC will continue to gain more acknowledgement, respect and recognition over time.”

President Ersin Tatar spoke to the Anadolu News Agency (AA) where he made evaluations with regards to the developments in the Cyprus issue in 2022.
Stating that the Republic of Türkiye has legal and historical rights on the island of Cyprus dating back to 1571, President Tatar stated: “The Turkish Cypriot people place great importance on the presence of the Turkish Security Forces (TSK), that is to say the physical presence of the Turkish Army (Mehmetçik) on the island as a deterrent force. Türkiye is a guarantor power, and Turkish Cypriots only trust Türkiye who is able and willing to provide security with the presence of these forces in Cyprus.”
Pointing out that developments in natural gas, hydrocarbon, energy and other fields in the eastern Mediterranean have increased the political and strategic value of the TRNC in the region, President Tatar emphasised the importance of the country's dominance in the airspace, Flight Information Region (FIR) and maritime jurisdiction areas.
President Tatar said: “Work is continuing to open the Geçitkale Airport for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and a naval base in the İskele-Gazimağusa  region. Geçitkale was given to the Turkish Security Forces for the deployment of UAVs. Work is continuing there in this regard. You know that there are some studies on the naval base as well and these are being evaluated at the highest level," he said.
The President said that with the UAV and Naval Base project, important messages have been conveyed to the EU and the Greek Cypriot Administration which are that the Republic of Türkiye is a guarantor country and our motherland and the Republic of Türkiye is the strongest and largest country in this region. President Tatar noted that maintaining stability in the eastern Mediterranean, preserving the rights in the Blue Homeland and keeping the Turkish-Greek balance in the region are important.
President Tatar emphasised that the dominance of UAVs and unmanned combat aerial vehicle (SİHAs) and the presence of the Turkish Air Force in TRNC airspace is important for ensuring peace and adds strength and confidence to the Turkish Cypriot people.
"There is information that the Greek Cypriot side are to step up even more its armament activities" 
Evaluating the recent budget allocated by the Greek Cypriot Administration for its armament programme and the lifting of the US arms embargo on the Greek Cypriot side, President Tatar stated that they are following both developments closely.
Expressing that the Greek Cypriot Administration has been arming continuously over many years and that this situation aims to destabilise the region, President Tatar said: "There is information that the Greek Cypriot side will step up even more its armament activities."
President Tatar added that Türkiye stood in complete solidarity with the TRNC and said the necessary measures will be taken against such moves by the Greek Cypriot side.  He added: "The Greek Cypriot Administration has spent 500 million Euros on armament in the last three years. If this expenditure is spent on arms to be used against the Turkish Cypriots, it is too much.  However, if it is against Türkiye, it is completely useless and in vain.”
"The status of the TRNC has been elevated in 2022”
President Tatar said that following his election as President in 2020, a new vision and policy is being followed, that is based on the principle of two sovereign States with equal international status. The President said that the Greek Cypriot Side and the mentality that Cyprus is a Hellenic island does not conform to a federal partnership on the basis of equality.
Following the speech of President of the Republic of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdoğan at the 77th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) on September 20, 2022, that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) should formally be recognised and the fact that the TRNC was accepted as an observer member to the Organisation of Turkic States with its constitutional name, marked 2022 as the year the TRNC elevated its status internationally.  “These are indeed very important and significant developments for the TRNC,” the President said.
Stating that the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), TDT members and African countries have recently sympathised with the TRNC regarding recognition, President Tatar said: "It is difficult to say who will recognise the TRNC right now. However there are positive moves in this regard, for example, the Vice President of The Gambia visit to the TRNC and to the Office of the Presidency. The Gambia Vice President has conveyed to us that they would like to deepen their relationship with the TRNC.  I believe that such relations will develop with other countries with the support of Türkiye. The acknowledgment, recognition and respect of the TRNC will increase in time.”