President Ersin Tatar speaks to BRT and thanks Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of the Republic of Türkiye, for including the TRNC in his statement at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly

President Tatar: “I thank President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of the Republic of Türkiye on behalf of myself and the Turkish Cypriot people for his call to the international community to recognise the independence of the TRNC and to build relations with our country. Our two State policy has been reaffirmed”

President Ersin Tatar has stated that his “two State policy” as a basis for a settlement in Cyprus and the formal recognition of the TRNC has once again been reaffirmed and consolidated following the address by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the President of the Republic of Türkiye, at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

President Erdoğan, who delivered his speech at the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, called upon the international community to recognise the independence of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and to establish diplomatic, political and economic ties with the country. 

President Tatar, speaking live on BRT State television, evaluated the address of President Erdoğan with regards to the Cyprus issue.

“President Erdoğan, whilst making references to important global issues, has once again conveyed a strong message to the international community this year,  which follows the historic address he delivered at the 77th session of the UN General Assembly last year, where he invited the international community to formally recognise the TRNC and to end our persecution and isolation”.
President Tatar “saluted” the renewed call by President Erdoğan to world nations during his speech at the UN General Assembly to “recognise the independence of the TRNC” and to “establish diplomatic, political and economic ties” with the country. 

President Tatar added that the remarks by President Erdoğan also reaffirmed the two State policy and the justified call for the formal recognition of the TRNC to the rest of the world.  “President Erdoğan has stressed that the legitimate rights and interests of the Turkish Cypriot People have to be respected for the continuation of stability in the eastern Mediterranean,” President Tatar said.

Stating that “everybody is aware that there cannot be a settlement to the Cyprus issue on a federal basis,” President Tatar said that “negotiations on this basis which had been ongoing for more than half-a-century have been exhausted”.

“Our policy for a two State settlement in Cyprus is realistic and sustainable,” President Tatar said, adding: “It is time to open a new page, to acknowledge the realities of the Island of Cyprus, and to establish diplomatic, political and economic relations with our country. The Turkish Cypriot People have for decades put forward arduous efforts for an equality-based settlement. However, the Greek Cypriot Side has always rejected federal-based plans and ideas. Therefore, we have concluded that the time to take a fresh new approach to settling the issue that is based on the cooperative relationship between the two States is now,” he said.

Emphasising that the “Republic of Türkiye is a Guarantor power in Cyprus,” President Tatar said: “Türkiye has become an important regional power in the region with legitimate rights and interests in the eastern Mediterranean.”

Stating that “Motherland Türkiye is located just 40 miles away from the Island of Cyprus,” President Tatar referred to the “Black Sea Grain Initiative – and the fundamental role of Türkiye in brokering the deal internationally.

The President added that “Guarantor and Motherland Türkiye, which is located just 40 miles away from Cyprus, has legitimate rights and interests with regards to Cyprus and the region.  “The policy being pursued increased the value and importance of the TRNC in the eastern Mediterranean and the two State policy,” President Tatar said.
President Tatar added that new and formal negotiations will not be started until the sovereign equality and equal international status of the Turkish Cypriot Side has been reaffirmed and acknowledged.

In reference to the Greek Cypriot leader, Nicos Christodoulides's statement relating to Turkish Cypriots, President Tatar said: “The Greek Cypriot leader has an objective of patching on the people of the TRNC into the state that has been usurped and transformed into a Greek Cypriot administration. There is an objective of trying to make our people pay homage to the Greek Cypriot Administration through certain so-called measures, and raising individual expectations.”   He said the Greek Cypriot Side is continuing  attempts to tear away Turkish Cypriots from Türkiye, which are in vain, which is a policy that has reached the point of collapse.

President Tatar stated that for many decades, the Turkish Cypriot People have tried to reach an equality-based settlement.

“However, since the Greek Cypriot Side have rejected the basis of equality under a power sharing structure because of their hegemonic mentality, it is now time for our sovereign equality to be the new basis of a settlement. Such a realistic and sustainable basis will pave the way for good neighbourly relations between the two States that will enter into a cooperative relationship across different areas, that will be of benefit to future generations on both Sides of the Island and make Cyprus a beacon of peace and stability.”

“I have also, during my visit to New York, held meetings with officials of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, and will be meeting officials of the Organisation of Turkic States tomorrow.” President Tatar said he will also be meeting with the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to discuss the Cyprus issue.

President Tatar said it is “high time the world sees the realities in Cyprus,” and he thanked President Erdoğan on behalf of the Turkish Cypriot People for his call for the recognition of the independence of the TRNC and for world nations to establish diplomatic, political and economic relations with the country.