President Ersin Tatar speaks to Times radio

"The UK has a responsibility to treat Turkish Cypriots on the basis of equality. The promises to end the unjust isolation, to start direct flights and direct trade have not been fulfilled and the unjust isolation impacting negatively the lives of Turkish Cypriots and British citizens continues. This injustice needs to come to an end.”

President Ersin Tatar has said that a two State sustainable settlement where the Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots coexist as good neighbours in a cooperative relationship is the way forward for the Island of Cyprus.
The President made the remarks during a Times Radio broadcast that was presented by Dominic O’Connell.
The President emphasised that “negotiations between the two Sides for a federal settlement have been exhausted,” and that “negotiations on this basis have all failed to produce a comprehensive settlement in Cyprus for more than half-a-century”.
“I represent a new vision for a settlement,” President Tatar said. “A two State settlement will provide a viable, realistic and sustainable settlement, which takes into consideration the facts on the ground in Cyprus.”
President Tatar said he is making a “plea” to the international community to effect a fresh view on Cyprus and the policy on the Turkish Cypriot People, who are continuing to be isolated through no fault of their own. “My people have arduously worked for a settlement to the Cyprus issue,” President Tatar said. “However, a settlement has not been reached, because of the Greek Cypriot Side’s refusal to share governance and the resources of the Island with us.”
Stating that the UN Comprehensive Settlement Annan Plan was put to a separately held simultaneous referenda on both sides of the Island of Cyprus in April 2004, President Tatar said: “The Greek Cypriot people overwhelmingly rejected the plan, which was accepted by the Turkish Cypriot People. Despite all the promises to end our isolation, to start direct flights and direct trade with my country, none has come to fruition. This injustice should not exist in the 21st century.”
“We are persisting as Turkish Cypriots with the support of the Republic of Türkiye that we should be recognised as a State. However, in the meantime, I want direct flights and direct trade, and an end to the embargoes, so that my people, especially the young generations can participate in important international sports tournaments,” President Tatar said.
Underlining that “the human rights of People – probably around a million Turkish Cypriots in the TRNC, UK, Australia and Türkiye are being penalised with very unreasonable practices with these embargoes,” President Tatar said: “At the very least, these inhumane embargoes must be lifted.”
Answering a question on the formal recognition of the TRNC and the international repercussions this would have, President Tatar said: “The Cyprus Peace Operation by Türkiye was an intervention, which was a right enshrined in the treaties that established the Republic of Cyprus. Why did Türkiye have to intervene? Because the Greeks overthrew Makarios in order to unite Cyprus with Greece. This was an absolute violation of the constitution of the Republic of Cyprus. This gave a legal right to Türkiye to intervene in Cyprus, to protect the Turkish Cypriots. Because we know for sure and even the Greek Cypriots admit this, that the next move would have been to exterminate the Turkish Cypriots from the Island and to unite Cyprus with Greece.”
“Now they are saying let us find a solution,” President Tatar added. “Yes, we are saying let us find a solution, and a settlement can be found on the basis of two States and the reaffirmation and acknowledgement of the inherent rights of Turkish Cypriot People.”
Stating that Turkish Cypriots “have been running their own affairs effectively as a State for the past 60 years,” President Tatar said: “The same can be said of the Greek Cypriots. So let us find a two State solution, where we can cooperate across different areas such as energy, water, electricity, infrastructure, environment . . .there are many areas where we can cooperate.”
President Tatar answered a question on what an “independent State” is, where he replied: “We are talking about being independent. There is no Turkish Cypriot policy that we should be a part of Türkiye, and Türkiye has no such policy. Obviously, Türkiye is our Motherland and one of the guarantor powers, and she is the biggest power in the region. The Turkish Cypriot People want their own independent State, but we want to cooperate with Greek Cypriots, for the good of both the Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots. If we can reach a solution, Türkiye will open her ports and airspace to the Greek Cypriots, who are good entrepreneurs. There would be prosperity to both sides. It will be a win-win situation as long as we can find a way.”
Underlining that the Greek Cypriots are a recognised State and a member of the EU, President Tatar said: “The Greek Cypriot Side have no incentive or motivation to share wealth and power with the Turkish Cypriots. So I am saying to the international community: Pressure the Greek Cypriots. However, I do not want them to get hurt, as I want to be their friend. However, lift the embargoes on Turkish Cypriots so that our economy can develop more with the start of direct flights and direct trade etc. Then the Greek Cypriots will be more inclined to want a solution.”
President Tatar stated that he supports a two State solution within the EU, which would act as a “bridge between Türkiye and the EU. . .where there would be two States in Cyprus cooperating within Europe. This could pave the way to a more prosperous Island in the eastern Mediterranean where the relations between Türkiye and Greece – both NATO allies -- will be much better”.
“Unless they solve the Cyprus problem, the relations between Türkiye and Greece will not be so relaxed,” President Tatar added.
Answering a question about the discovery of gas fields around Cyprus and if this helps towards reaching a settlement, President Tatar said: “It can make finding a settlement easier because there is a lot of wealth down there. If it is explored, we can transport [hydrocarbons] via Türkiye, and through to mainland Europe because Türkiye, which is located just 40 miles away from the Island of Cyprus, is already interconnected with Europe. It is unfeasible for cables to be constructed from the Island to mainland Greece, which is some 1,000 miles away in comparison. This can be an economically viable proposition, which can entice a solution in Cyprus.”
President Tatar stated that the Greek Cypriot Side has escalated its isolation policy towards Turkish Cypriots across different sectors, such as tourism, construction and higher education. President Tatar said he hoped the Greek Cypriots would not be seeking to prevent tourists – including those who are EU citizens with rights to freedom of movement to cross the border in Cyprus – from visiting the TRNC even for one day. “If they stop tourists from crossing the border, they are violating certain principles. . . This will not help the relations of Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots, which is needed to reach a settlement,” President Tatar said.