President Ersin Tatar visited Osman Gazier at his home and presented him a medal of honour for his outstanding services to the national struggle of the Turkish Cypriot People.


Stating that Osman Gazier fought heroically for the rights and interests of the Turkish Cypriot people during the years of struggle for social existence, President Tatar said that he is grateful for Osman Gazier's courageous participation in the national struggle.

The President expressed that the sacrifices made by veteran mujahideens (freedom fighters) like Osman Gazier for the defence of the Turkish Cypriot People will never be forgotten, and addressing Osman Gazier the President said:  “Your struggle affected us. On behalf of our state, I would like to express my gratitude.  The greatest entity in the world is the state and the state does not and will never forget the efforts and sacrifices you made.  God Bless you all.”

During the visit, President Tatar was accompanied by the Mayor of Güzelyurt, Mahmut Özçınar, the Head of the Civil Defence Organisation, Necmi Karakoç and the President of the Martyr Families and Disabled Veterans Association, Gürsel Benan.