President Ersin Tatar visits the exhibition commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation


President Ersin Tatar has paid a visit to the Cyprus Peace Operation 50th Anniversary Exhibition being held at the Naval Museum in İstanbul, where he also signed the exhibition special book.
During his visit, President Tatar received information about the exhibition and the museum, which is showcasing photographs and material of the Cyprus Peace Operation that had been staged by Türkiye in 1974.
The exhibition showcases the struggle of the Turkish Cypriot People to co-exist after being expelled from the state apparatus of the partnership Republic of Cyprus by force of arms in December 1963, and the 11-years of acts of genocide and attacks on them by the Greek-Greek Cypriot duo and EOKA terrorist organisation as part of the aspiration to unite Cyprus with Greece.
The Cyprus Peace Operation had been staged by Türkiye following a coup d’etat by the Greek Junta on July 15, 1974, and the declaration of the ‘Hellenic Republic of Cyprus’.
The exhibition features information about the peace operation that is explained with chronological historical photographs, objects and documents.
President Tatar congratulated those who contributed to the exhibition, stating: “This exhibition showcases the historical developments in Cyprus and why Türkiye, our Motherland and Guarantor power, was obliged under international law, to carry out the Cyprus Peace Operation in 1974, which stopped the bloodshed and brought peace to the Island of Cyprus. It also showcases details about the Cyprus Peace Operation itself. I pay tribute and congratulate the organisers and to everybody who have contributed to the exhibition.”