President Ersin Tatar visits the Geçitköy reservoir and commemorates World Water Day

President Ersin Tatar visited the Geçitköy reservoir in commemoration of the World Water Day on March 22.


In his speech during the visit, the President thanked the Turkish nation and the people of Anamur for playing an important part in the realisation of the Water Supply Project.

The President said three villages had to be emptied and rehabilitation work carried out in order to make way for the barrage constructed in Anamur, adding that “this sacrifice by Motherland Turkey is very significant and meaningful”. 

He said it is “important to appreciate the financial and spiritual support given by the Republic of Turkey to the TRNC”.

Also accompanying the President were the Turkish Ambassador to Lefkoşa, Ali Murat Başçeri, the Cyprus Turkish Peace Forces Major General, Sezai Öztürk and Security Forces Commander Major General, Zorlu Topaloğlu.

President Tatar said it is “very important for water to be supplied to the country during a period of global warming and the drought conditions on the island”. 

President Tatar stated “The Turkish Cypriots have long yearned for the supply of fresh water from Anatolia” and added that the  ‘Project of the Century’ the first of its kind in the whole world, having been realised due to ingenious engineering projects, enabled the transportation of fresh water via undersea pipelines.”

“I wish to commend and thank first and foremost the Republic of Turkey President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan who instigated the project, the former President, Dr. Derviş Eroğlu, the former late Prime Minister İrsen Küçük, Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Nazım Çavuşoğlu, former Minister of Agriculture, Kenan Akın, the former Forestry and Water Works Minister of the Republic of Turkey, Veysel Eroğlu and many others for their contribution to realising this project,” the President said, adding that  75 million metre square of water per annum has been transported from Turkey to the TRNC since 2015. 


Stating that six ships and undersea robots had taken part in repair work to the undersea pipeline which was completed on October 6, 2020, the President said that the Water Supply Project is “once again in operation, and fresh water is being piped 80km under the sea to the TRNC. Our Geçitköy barrage is now 85 per cent full of its total capacity, and we are once again witnessing beautiful scenery”.

President Tatar said that construction of a tunnel – which will enable fresh water to be pumped to the Güzelyurt region, is continuing, and once completed, will benefit the citrus sector and the producers there.

The President also said that if a lasting and sustainable agreement is reached in Cyprus, they envisage sharing the fresh water being piped to the country from Anatolia with the Greek Cypriot side. 


President Ersin Tatar also visited the water treatment facility of the State Water Works Authority (DSİ) where he was given technical information about the operation of the facility. President Tatar thanked the operating staff at the facility for their services and wished them well for the future.