President Ersin Tatar’s message on the occasion of December 5th, International Women's Rights Day

President Tatar's message is as follows;

“On December 5th, International Women’s Rights Day, socioeconomic, political and legal rights that women should have on an equal basis with men were brought to the agenda and women’s struggle and solidarity with their desire to live more humanely was reinforced. It is our duty to pay attention to the pending demands of our women, who are the guarantee of the future of our state with upcoming generations. 

Meaningful days such as today is significant in terms of taking further concrete and sustainable steps on spending efforts to increase the effective participation of our women, from politics to economy, from culture and art to all decision-making mechanisms. It is our historical responsibility to cherish and remind the undeniable contribution of our women from the years of social struggle to the proclamation of our sovereign state.

It is of high importance to increase the number of women’s shelters where women, who are victims of violence, would feel safe. It is necessary to take steps to avoid all kinds of physical and psychological violence and harassment actions against women, and finding comprehensive solutions to all the problems they encounter, especially violence. On this occasion, I would like to express my determination to do my utmost to find inclusive solutions to all the problems they face, within the framework of the authority given to me by the Constitution.

With the awareness of the critical role that all our women will play in the process of building much stronger TRNC in every field, in the light of the importance that Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk attaches to all women, I would like to underline that the future of our socially progressing state is safe with the existence of our women, and I salute all our women with respect.”