President Ersin Tatar’s spouse First Lady Sibel Tatar: “Fighting against cancer should start before getting sick, not after.”

First Lady Sibel Tatar, who could not take part in the awareness march organized by the Presidency staff due to her contact with Covid-19, underlined the importance of individual measures to be taken to promote early diagnosis, early treatment and prevention of cancer by raising awareness in her message.

“The importance of the legal regulation, supervision and penalties that should be made in order to ensure our state's right to a healthy life for our citizens…”

Environmental factors, which are one of the most important factors of cancer, in terms of ensuring the right of our state to a healthy life by protecting its citizens, Sibel Tatar emphasized the need to implement the necessary legal regulations, inspections and penalties regarding air, soil and food as soon as possible. She stated that we should start fighting cancer before getting sick, not after.

“Food security, access to cancer treatment and equality… Due consideration must be given”

Sibel Tatar reminded that at least one third of common cancers are preventable. Se said, "The importance of food safety in the Law on the State, which is still in the parliament, that the inspection and penalties of the legal regulation on food safety are as necessary, equality in cancer treatment and access to cancer treatment should be provided.”

In the march organized due to raising awareness about cancer, Sibel Tatar thanked Raziye Kocaismail, the President of the Association for Aiding Cancer Patients, the management and members of the association, the Presidency staff, head and members of Science and Health Committee of the Presidency and everyone who contributed to the march, and wished all our people a healthy life.