TRNC Presidency warns Greek Cypriot Administration Leader Anastasiades: “Stop manipulative and misleading behaviour”

A statement from the Presidency has called on the Greek Cypriot Leader, Nicos Anastasiades, to refrain from making statements and behaving in a manner which falsely portrays the meeting being hosted by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, President Ersin Tatar and Greek Cypriot Leader Anastasiades as being an ‘official’ meeting.


“We call upon Mr Anastasiades to stop his manipulative and misleading behaviour,” the statement said.


The full statement of the Presidency:


“The Greek Cypriot Leader, Nicos Anastasiades, has been attempting to portray the informal lunch being hosted by the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres for President Ersin Tatar and the Greek Cypriot Leader, Nicos Anastasiades on Monday, as though it is a formal meeting.


 We would like to emphasise that the effort to portray the informal lunch as an official meeting is not a productive position.


It is clear that formal negotiations will not be started until a common ground is found and until the sovereign equality and equal international status of the Turkish Cypriot side, which are principles that have existed from the beginning, are acknowledged.   

We call on the Greek Cypriot side to stop such manipulative and misleading behaviour.”