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Promotional event held for the Biography of Rüstem Tatar called ‘Despite Everything’ 

President Tatar: “My father has always been our guide”


President Ersin Tatar heads meeting of Higher Coordination Board 

President Ersin Tatar headed the meeting of the Higher Coordination Board as part of preparatory work for the five-plus-UN informal meeting that will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, between April 27-29.


President Tatar: “Over the years, we have never been at such a secure point as now to defend our State” 

President Ersin Tatar has underlined the immense importance Turkish Cypriot give to their “sovereignty” and to the support/guarantee of the Republic of Turkey. The remarks were made by the President whilst receiving the management of the Organisation of Vakıflar (Foundations) and Religious Affairs, headed by Durali Elal, on Friday.


President Tatar visits Cypfruvex facilities

“Let us look to the future with hope and protect our lands, trees and economic assets” President Ersin Tatar visited the Cypfruvex plant in the Güzelyurt region where he met the management and staff and inspected the facilities.


President Ersin Tatar receives academicians on Cyprus issue

President Ersin Tatar held a meeting with a group of academicians as part of preparatory work for the five-plus-UN informal meeting, to be held in Geneva, Switzerland, between April 27-29.


President Tatar participates in ceremony commemorating the 2nd anniversary of death of former Prime Minister İrsen Küçük

President Ersin Tatar participated in the ceremony commemorating the 2nd anniversary of the death of İrsen Küçük, who was the founding parliamentary member of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, former Prime Minister and former leader of the National Unity Party.


President Tatar commemorates Miraç Kandili

President Ersin Tatar issued a message commemorating the annually held Miraç Kandili (Lailat al Miraj).


Presidential Special Representative, M. Ergün Olgun’s statement following his meeting with UN Senior Official, Jane Holl Lute

Following the meeting between President Ersin Tatar and UN Senior Official Jane Holl Lute yesterday, the meeting continued today and was held in a ‘positive atmosphere’.


President Ersin Tatar speaks to TRT World

President Ersin Tatar said that a settlement in Cyprus based on a two State model will pave the way for sustainable peace and stability in Cyprus.
