President Ersin Tatar participates in the Alaminyo Martyrs' Commemoration Ceremony

“We owe the peace, tranquility and security in Cyprus to the martyrs”


President Ersin Tatar participated in the ceremony held to commemorate the martyrs of Alaminyo village on Monday. 
Following the laying of the wreaths at the martyrs' monument and the playing of the national anthem, President Tatar delivered a speech at the ceremony, held in Değirmenlik, where he stated that 48 Turkish Cypriots had been brutally martyred by EOKA-B terrorists in July 1974.
 The Presided added that "we have not forgotten the martyrs of Alaminyo, and will never forget the martrys who sacrificed their lives so that Turkish Cypriots can live in peace, tranquility and security in Cyprus".
The President noted that on July 15, 1974, following the coup d'état by the fascist Greek junta, Türkiye, a guarantor power, undertook the Cyprus Peace Operation in order to stop the violence and bloodshed, and to save the lives of the Turkish Cypriot people.  He added that through the peace operation had also brought peace to Greek Cypriots and restored democracy in Greece.
Expressing that the Greek cypriots had been killing civilian people since the 1950s, President Tatar stated that the attacks on Turkish Cypriot civilians still continued even after the start of the peace operation.
Explaining that peace came to Cyprus in 1974, President Tatar underlined the importance of the continuation of the guarantee of Türkiye and the existence of the Turkish security forces for the Turkish Cypriot People. 
President Tatar pointed out that negotiations for a federal settlement "has been exhausted", adding that "a solution which is based on single sovereignty, where the majority will rule the minority,  is dangerous for the Turkish Cypriot people".
The President stated that new and formal negotiations can be started following the reaffirmation and acknowledgement of the sovereign equality and equal international status of the Turkish Cypriot People. He said the TRNC will be a side in the settlement, that will be based on the cooperation of the two States.
President Tatar quoted Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of the Republic of Türkiye, who stated during his address at the July 20 Peace and Freedom Day main parade in Lefkoşa, that "Türkiye fully supports a two State settlement, and that Motherland Türkiye will continue her support to the TRNC to further our development across different areas and the prosperity of the people".