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President Ersin Tatar attends an online meeting on the "Strategic Vision of the TRNC" organized by Eurasia Economic Relations Association

President Ersin Tatar participated in the online meeting on "Strategic Vision of TRNC" organized by the Eurasian Economic Relations Association (EkoAvrasya) and answered the questions.


President Ersin Tatar congratulates all artists on World Art Day during a video conference held with the Culture and Art Committee

President Ersin Tatar stated that as the custodians of the culture from the past, we are responsible for promoting and protecting the struggle and the existing cultural heritage on these lands for thousands of years. The President celebrated the World Art Day of all artists who successfully represent our country in all branches of art.


President Ersin Tatar meets with Members of the Board of Directors of the Vakıflar Administration marking to the its establishment anniversary

Noting that the Foundations Administration is a sign of the centuries-long struggle of the Turkish Cypriots, President Tatar noted that one of the first institutions established by the Ottomans after the conquest of the island was the Foundations Administration.


President Ersin Tatar made a statement on the occasion of the 450th anniversary of the Cyprus Foundation Administration and the 65th anniversary of its handover to the Turkish Cypriot people

The President made a statement and said “"Our biggest responsibility is to protect and keep the Cyprus Administration of Foundations alive." He said the following:


Presidential Spokesperson Dr. Berna Çelik Doğruyol’s Statement:

As is known, on 18th March, 2021 Our President Mr. Ersin Tatar, met with the Rectors and Rector representatives of the Universities operating in the TRNC and explained his vision to be put on the table at the 5+UN unofficial meeting to be held in Geneva and our university representatives also conveyed their views to our President.
